2014 USLAW NETWORK Surveillance Compendium of Law STATE OF COLORADO SURVEILLANCE COMPENDIUM OF LAW Prepared by Joshua F. Bugos Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP 1200 17th Street, Suite 3000 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-9000 www.LRRLaw.com

The people in North Korea are under constant surveillance. Active Russia The SORM laws allow full monitoring of communication, traditional or electronic, by eight state agencies, without any warrant. However, these laws are in conflict with the Article 23 of the Constitution of Russia. Additionally, the act provided more time for conducting surveillance to law enforcement officers who had obtained warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The USA PATRIOT act also changed the acquisition of stored voicemails from falling under the more-stringent surveillance laws to falling under ordinary search and seizure laws. Oct 15, 2019 · Comparitech has assessed privacy protection and the state of surveillance in 47 countries to see where governments are failing to protect privacy and/or are creating surveillance states. To do this we looked at a number of categories, from the use of biometrics and CCTV to data sharing and retention laws. Nov 25, 2019 · Similar to laws surrounding recorded audio conversations, video surveillance laws differ from state to state. There are currently no federal laws in place addressing video surveillance, which means that each state must create its own guidelines. Of the 50 states, only 16 have created laws surrounding the use of cameras and video surveillance. Alabama, North Dakota, and South Carolina first three states to embrace Apple’s “contact tracing” mass surveillance technology 06/04/2020 / Lance D Johanson China to pollute the summit of Mt. Everest with 5G stations, building infrastructure to spy on the world

EU court ruling puts pressure on US to reform surveillance

The ACLU has been at the forefront of the struggle to prevent the entrenchment of a surveillance state by challenging the secrecy of the government’s surveillance and watchlisting practices; its violations of our rights to privacy, free speech, due process, and association; and its stigmatization of minority communities and activists State Laws for Video Surveillance Systems In general, it’s illegal to obtain video surveillance of someone with malicious purposes. It is also illegal to take video surveillance of an individual in a place of “expected privacy”, where the surveillance will violate specific privacy laws. These “expected privacy” or "private places" may include:

The following is not to be used as legal advice. State and local laws may change or be periodically updated. It is the customer’s responsibility to educate themselves about the current status of local laws governing the use of video and audio surveillance equipment. If you know of a change or see an error, please contact us.

Under the changes brought by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008, which expanded the US government's authority by forcing the court to approve entire surveillance systems and not just surveillance warrants as it previously handled, "the court is now approving programmatic surveillance. I don't think that is