Safari: Clone this repository or download the ZIP to disk, open Safari Preferences, Advanced, select downloaded quiet-facebook.css in Style sheet dropdown. About Hide Facebook's News Feed

2018-2-7 Yuma hide-a-rock Public Group | Facebook Yuma hide-a-rock has 2,785 members. This is a public group. We paint rocks and hide them among the community. People can keep them or rehide them. After It's Time to Eliminate Your Facebook News Feed Take two seconds and install News Feed Eradicator for Facebook, a Chrome extension that does exactly what it says, and in so doing, will preserve the teensy shred of sanity you have left. The A.V

Here’s How To (Very Politely) Remove - BuzzFeed News

2013-7-23 · July 23, 2013 — -- It's not exactly a dislike button, but Facebook soon plans to roll out ways to better understand why you don't like something in your News Feed.. Currently, when you hide

“We learn based on what you’ve done in the past,” Greg Marra, a Facebook news feed product manager, told Herrera. “And we try to quickly learn about the things that you’re interested in.”

How to Control Your Facebook News Feed - Gizmodo Facebook lets you split your friends up into lists. Lists of best friends, work friends, family groups, or just about anything you like. Each list then becomes its own separate News Feed featuring