As a result, the issue of internet security is a serious matter because a local problem can be a worldwide incident within a second. Therefore, an understanding of the internet and security is imperative for the development of protective measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity as …

Aug 14, 2013 Brief History of the Internet | Internet Society Origins of the Internet The first recorded description of the social interactions that could be enabled through networking was a series of memos written by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT in August 1962 discussing his “Galactic Network” concept. A Brief History of the Internet

The history of cyber security began with a research project. A man named Bob Thomas realized that it was possible for a computer program to move across a network, leaving a small trail wherever it went.

The history of Information Security reaches back to ancient times and starts with the emergence of bureaucracy in administration and warfare. Some aspects, such as the interception of encrypted messages during World War II, have attracted huge attention, whereas other aspects have remained largely uncovered.

About us. The Center for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS ®) makes the connected world a safer place for people, businesses, and governments through our core competencies of collaboration and innovation.. We are a community-driven nonprofit, responsible for the CIS Controls ® and CIS Benchmarks ™, globally recognized best practices for securing IT systems and data.

Sharing Resources. The Internet started in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to share information. Computers in the '60s were large and immobile and in order to make use of information stored in any one computer, one had to either travel to the site of the computer or have magnetic computer tapes sent through the conventional postal system. Internet security - Wikipedia